Why not make a multi-lingual site

Why “why not”? Usually you can tell the written language from the title. Now you can visit en and CJK for that. Individual RSS/ICS subscription is also available.

I know quite a few lingua franca1 (reading/listening proficiency only), it will become impossible to maintain and update each on a regular basis, not to mention that some languages have no written form at all.

What, you know about the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)? Sorry, I don’t.

What is “Geekademy”

It’s a word I coined and used since junior high school, a combination of Geek and Platonic Academy (Ἀκαδημία)2.

I wish to use geekademy.com domain back in 2018 when I decided to use a dedicated domain for my old blog, but it’s already taken. So I just picked up another word I coined as my domain.

Is the site favicon “Star of David”

It’s actually a 🔯 Dotted Six-Pointed Star, but yes, I use it as a reference to ✡️ Star of David.


It’s a famous Latin phrase used to refer to a swift, conclusive victory (literally “I came; I saw; I conquered”), originally written by Julius Caesar. It’s written all capitalized as what I learn is a Latin variant called Classical Latin which has no lower case.

License, you know, the CC0/Public Domain/CC BY 4.0 stuff

This is the very specific topic that I can keep talking for 2+ hours3. In short, unlicensed and all rights reserved.

As CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, GNU FDL 1.3 all have their shortcomings and we are now at a time copyright law & common sense being challenged by LLMs like ChatGPT, I’m still waiting for a serious guidance other than the wrecked DMCA.

However, you are allowed to copy and redistribute the text material without derivatives in a non commercial way, as long as you give the appropriate credit. For codes, AGPL unless otherwise noted. Just note that I hold the right of final explanation before the ideal non-existent law comes into act.

How to contact you

Leave a comment with your email and matter at this page (JavaScript required), and I’ll get in touch with you. Don’t get nervous about exposing your email address, comments need manual approval to get displayed, and once replied I’ll delete them anyway. Down for now.

Or if you are not in a rush, I have a (rarely used) Matrix account @vinfall:tchncs.dewhich will be checked regularly per quarter (at least 4 times a year). That’s really slow for an instant messager, I know.

  1. Ancient Chinese ≈ English > Madarin » French > Chinese Sign Language > Classical Latin ≈ Cantonese > Japanese > Esperanto > American Sign Language (ASL), along with more than 10 Chinese dialects ↩︎

  2. It’s a school founded by Plato and named after the legendary Athenian Academus (Ἀκάδημος). ↩︎

  3. Check Thoughts on Copyright for a glimpse. ↩︎

Vinfall's Geekademy