Note that posts are descended by last modified date in this page, if you prefer a chronical order, check archive. Also, if you prefer an en-only page, check en. CJK is available likewise.
Stats: 109 posts, 163,700-ish words.2024
- 09-04 浏览器调教指南 - 插件篇
- 09-02 HLTB 游戏报告 202407-202408
- 09-02 浏览器调教指南 - Chromium 篇 (Chrome/MSEdge)
- 09-02 我的 Windows 软件之道
- 08-28 浏览器调教指南 - Firefox 篇
- 08-23 文本编辑器的基础方程式
- 08-13 想更新的话就要说出来——小议更新强迫症的晚期临床表现
- 08-11 Juliamo ~amrilata serpento~ - Ren’Py 初印象
- 08-06 How I Transfer File Cross-platform
- 08-02 「流氓软件」完全解密
- 07-15 Rime 配置备忘录
- 07-08 借助 Ventoy vhdboot 实现更好的 Windows to Go
- 07-08 通过 Ventoy vtoyboot 实现 Void to Go
- 07-05 HLTB 游戏报告 202405-202406
- 07-03 Keep $HOME Clean via XDG Base Directory
- 07-01 Void Package Contribution
- 06-29 Blog Signing Key Update: Regarding the Perfect GPG Keychain
- 06-26 Virt-Manager A-Z: Chapter 6 (LXC)
- 06-16 Virt-Manager A-Z: Chapter 3 (VBox -> QEMU)
- 06-16 Virt-Manager A-Z: Chapter 4 (Feature & Extension)
- 06-16 Virt-Manager A-Z: Chapter 5 (VM Optimization)
- 06-13 Virt-Manager A-Z: Chapter 1 (Setup, User Session and Network Interface)
- 06-13 Virt-Manager A-Z: Chapter 2 (Exercise)
- 06-13 Virt-Manager A-Z: Prologue
- 06-13 SwayWM 杂记
- 06-12 Nintendo Switch Homebrew 101
- 06-05 Flatpak, Bluetooth Controller, udev, SDL and Linux Gaming
- 05-18 iCalendar (ICS) 的养成方式
- 05-18 Linux Distros I Tried
- 05-09 Time to Press the Stop Button
- 05-01 HLTB 游戏报告 202404
- 04-23 RomVault, Retool, fixDat & Digital Preservation
- 04-13 A Random Summary of Compressed Linux Backup
- 04-01 HLTB 游戏报告 202403
- 03-30 Linux From Scratch (LFS) 编译记录
- 03-19 VSCodium GPT 插件配置 API2D 指北
- 03-19 OneDrive-vercel-index 搭建记录
- 03-17 2023 年度总结 - 生活篇
- 03-15 ChatGPT, Bible Tower and Chinese Room
- 03-07 HLTB 游戏报告 202401-202402
- 03-03 Text Replacement with Espanso
- 02-22 Porting Hugo Shortcode to Obsidian
- 02-21 Windows 最速启动流
- 02-17 Add ICS Output to Hugo Blog
- 02-13 VNDB Novel Data Breakup
- 02-13 HLTB Linear & Temporal Breakdown
- 02-08 Termux Extra Keys Boosted
- 02-02 Batch Convert Blog Images from WebP to AVIF
- 02-02 善恶谚语两则 ── 浅谈善恶观
- 02-01 秋之回忆/告别回忆 101
- 01-29 2023 年度总结 - 博客篇
- 01-29 2023 年度总结 - 游戏篇
- 01-06 自动化数据分析工具 Rath 体验兼自建指北
- 01-06 Vercel 部署 Galgame 网页播放器前后端指北
- 01-05 Switch 有生之年游戏愿望单
- 01-04 MPV 配置备忘录
- 12-15 Flash 保存计划 Encore
- 12-13 Switch Homebrew App Development Experience
- 12-02 Awesome One-liner
- 11-21 fate: 现代化取名
- 11-16 Xbox Dev Mode
- 11-07 1993 年国际大专辩论赛决赛小记
- 11-07 1993 年国际大专辩论赛半决赛小记
- 11-07 1993 年国际大专辩论赛初赛小记
- 10-29 VNR 理论及其周边
- 10-16 Windows Subsystem for Android Tryout
- 10-13 Install Fee Tycoon, Explained
- 10-03 Hello World
- 10-03 Pagermaid-Pyro 尝鲜
- 09-26 Fix WSL Audio Output on Windows 10
- 09-14 Obsidian Dataview 入门实例
- 09-14 Obsidian Dice Roller 入门实例
- 09-05 ABC 记谱法
- 09-01 Add PGP Signature to Hugo/Hexo/Any Static Site
- 08-19 PostgreSQL 踩坑 & Vercel 搭建 Cusdis 心得
- 08-16 自建博客数据统计服务 umami v2
- 08-12 阻止 Steam 安装 Windows 运行库
- 08-09 纯手动自建 whoogle-search 搜索引擎
- 08-09 由 Apple 打击 CSAM 所想到的
- 06-09 Apple Vision Pro feat. 人眼能分辨的显示器分辨率极限
- 06-08 Check Switch Game BuildID on PC
- 06-05 Pilish Poem (Piem) Tryout
- 04-20 3DS Homebrew 101
- 04-11 Wii Homebrew 101
- 04-07 Wii U Homebrew 101
- 03-27 意译乱流 - 富婆妹 FD 机翻汉化补丁润色笔记
- 03-25 Manage Dotfiles Using Bare Git Repo
- 02-13 逆转裁判 101
- 01-16 Thoughts on Copyright
- 11-03 Revive ManjaroWSL
- 10-31 从 R11 到荣格心理学到人性本源
- 10-30 MoeGoe 理论及其之后的周边
- 10-12 GitHub Actions 101 Continued: How to Self-Host a F-Droid Repo
- 10-12 GitHub Actions 101
- 09-20 Hoax OS
- 08-21 Rooting Vivo iQOO Z5x
- 08-21 由邻居养死🐢想到的
- 05-23 KDE Plasma Wayland Tryout
- 05-22 Crawler on IKEA Catalogue (deprecated)
- 05-20 有的人
- 12-12 Thoughts on Cat in the Rain
- 10-17 すき家未解之谜
- 10-05 读『乱世佳人』有感
- 10-05 评『史记 游侠列传』
- 03-20 Thoughts on Indecent Proposal
- 01-27 GitHub, Stop Asking Me to Sign Up
- 01-06 Two Sayings on Patriotism
- 11-18 A Girl I Can’t Afford